Butternut Squash always looks so inviting on a supermarket shelf but the peel can be off-putting. With this step by step photo guide on ‘How to Peel a Butternut-Squash’, never be put off again! ????
Let’s get started…
You will need a chopping board and a sharp serrated knife.

Start by cutting off the ends of the butternut squash.

Then cut the squash in half to make it easier to handle. Even if you have a particularly small squash, you will still benefit from cutting it in half.

Next, stand one half on the cut end and start to slice the peel down the squash, following any curves with the knife.

Continue all the way around the squash half.

Now repeat with the second half. But don’t throw the skin away as you can roast it!

Once both halves are peeled, cut them in half lengthways.

One half will reveal the seed compartment.

Remove the seeds with a spoon – but don’t throw them away as you can roast them too!

Now that you have removed the skin and seeds,

chop the flesh in the required way as stated in your recipe. For my Vegan Butter-Roasted Butternut-Squash Soup, you will need it diced! ????
In this ‘How to Peel a Butternut-Squash’ guide, I have used a serrated knife but I find a non-serrated knife more suitable for cutting the flesh once peeled.

Want to know more?
If you would like to know more about this fabulous squash, it’s nutritional benefits, and other ideas for using it, check out this website specialityproduce.com
Reading about the history of squash is fascinating and it would seem that they have been cultivated for something like 8000 years. Check out this link for some interesting anecdotes (http://www.aihd.ku.edu/foods/squash.html)
Squash are really easy to grow, although the plants can tend to get quite big. You just need to plant the seed on its side (not flat side down), this reduces the risk of rotting in the soil. Also when growing outside make sure that there is no risk of frost.
A favourite to grow is the Honey Boat. Suttons do the seeds (https://www.suttons.co.uk/Gardening/Vegetable-Seeds/Popular-Vegetable-Seeds/Squash-Seeds/Squash-Seeds—Honey-Boat_178875.htm). There aren’t that many in the packet but you do get a lot of squash from one plant!
It’s a good one to start with and when roasted it is similar to potato.
What am I doing on a vegan website, when I must admit that I eat meat! I’ve known Jill for some time now and have always enjoyed her vegan dishes. (Whoops I think I’m turning a bit veggie).
Hi Tom
Many thanks for the extra info and weblinks on squashes. It’s lovely to see more varieties available now and thank you so much for the ones that come my way! 😍
Jill x